Combo Box In NSTableView


It would be very useful to be able to use some type of combo box within the NSTableView please?

I see references to NSComboBoxCell within OSX developer guides, so I assume it is possible??

I have nearly converted a firemonkey application to mCL and this is last thing from my list preventing me completing the project.

Hope you can help, or share any plans to make this possible?




We have researched this during development, but this matter is very technical and has some limitations. As soon as we find more information, and solve those issues we can investigate further in adding support for a combobox in the NSTableView.

Kind Regards, 

Thanks Pieter,

My requirement should hopefully be fairly simple, I can load up the values pro-grammatically, no need to bind to data source etc..

I then just need to be able to get the value of combo box (item index) for each row in the table.

Good luck with your investigations.

