The letter e in TAdvMemoDropDown


I'm testing the TAdvMemoDropDown but mye users are not able to type the letter e when the Memo is not dropped down. Has anyone a solution for this strange problem?

Best regards Glenn-Ove Forsland

Similar problem for me, but for letter 'a'

We are unable to reproduce this issue, can you provide more details?

Are you using the latest version of the component?

I am using the latest version yes.   I misread the original post - my problem is actually  not with TAdvMemoDropdown, but with the Grid memo dropdown (setting AEditor to edMemoDropDown).   

It must be related to a property or a setting somewhere, in a new test project it works correctly, but in the existing one the something seems to happen when i type an 'a' in the grid cell.  The grid looses focus.  This does not happen if i click the dropdown and type in the memo component.
I will copy die existing project and start removing things until i track the problem down or are able to reproduce it and get back to you.