TAdvListEditor multiple key triggers

A bug in TAdvListEditor (currently using, hopefully it is the latest as the page - https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/advlisteditor.asp - has not been updated since (October 31, 2017) and shows v1.5.1.0 as the latest version)

1) drop onto Form 3 controls - TAdvListEditor and standard TEdit, TStaticText and type 0 in StaticText Caption property so it shows number 0.

2) Doubleclick to enter code for TEdit - Edit1KeyDown event

void __fastcall TForm1::Edit1KeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, TShiftState Shift)
if (Key == VK_ESCAPE)
    StaticText1->Caption = StaticText1->Caption.ToInt()+1;

the above code shows visually how StaticText value will increase when ESC key is pressed

3) assign the above event to TAdvListEditor as well so that both TEdit and TAdvListEditor have the same event

4) run the program and press ESC key within the TEdit - the counter is increased by 1.

5) press ESC key in the TAdvListEditor and it drops 3 keypresses of the ESC key!

We traced & solved this issue.
The next update will address this.