Scroll bars always visible when set to scAuto ?

Hi All,

I have put a TIWAdvWebGrid on a IWRegion, and set it's align property to Client. It fills up the region at design time.

I have no controller band, and I have UseFulleHight and UseulleWidth both set to true. is ScAuto and ScrollIntoView is false.

I only need it to show 5 (last) rows and in this setup, the width of the grid is not as wide as the region. I could set style to scnever. BUT as I intend to let the user define which columns to display, by defining the select behind it, I could end up being wider that the region, and I will need the horozontal scrollbar.

Can any of you, from what I have explained, see what is wrong ? Og have any proposals as to what I can try to eliminate unneded scrollbars, horizontal and/or vertical ?


NB! I forgot to mention I fill up the grid dynamicall, adding columns at runtime, depending on the result of a AdoQuery.

Hi All,

I've found the reason. The scrollbars was the Regions scrollbars. Once I removed them, the scAuto works as expected.
