Unable to open include file AdvMemoActions.hpp

C++Builder 2010, latest TMS VCL UI Pack (2019-12-05), migrating from TMS Component pack (2019-01-03)

#include "AdvMemoActions.hpp"

[BCC32 Error] E2209 Unable to open include file 'AdvMemoActions.hpp'

AdvMemoActions.hpp is nowhere to be seen. But AdvMemoActions.pas exists.

Now what?


1) create blank c++ Builder app
2) drop THTMLabel on the form
3) compile:

[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'GdiplusStartup' referenced from C:\TMSSOFTWARE\TMSVCLUIPACK\BUILDER2010\TMSVCLUIPACKPKGD2010.LIB|AdvGDIP 
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'GdiplusShutdown' referenced from C:\TMSSOFTWARE\TMSVCLUIPACK\BUILDER2010\TMSVCLUIPACKPKGD2010.LIB|AdvGDIP


Add in your main CPP file

#pragma link "wininet.lib"
How to fix this:
[BCC32 Error] E2209 Unable to open include file 'AdvMemoActions.hpp'

Like I wrote AdvMemoActions.pas exists. Also in older version AdvMemoActions.hpp exists as well.

We see AdvMemoActions.pas is not in TMSVCLUIPackPkgD2010.dpk

We will investigate this. 
As a workaround try to add AdvMemoActions.pas in TMSVCLUIPackPkgD2010.dpk and use MSBUILD to recompile TMSVCLUIPackPkgD2010.dproj. This should generate AdvMemoActions.hpp

Almost there. I may have not built something correctly because I still get (when I build my app):
Please release a beta version with the fix included so I can test if it compiles after installing it.

[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'Advmemoactions::TAdvMemoUndo::' referenced from EDIT.OBJ
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'Advmemoactions::TAdvMemoCut::' referenced from EDIT.OBJ
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'Advmemoactions::TAdvMemoCopy::' referenced from EDIT.OBJ
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'Advmemoactions::TAdvMemoPaste::' referenced from EDIT.OBJ
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'Advmemoactions::TAdvMemoDelete::' referenced from EDIT.OBJ
[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'Advmemoactions::TAdvMemoSelectAll::' referenced from EDIT.OBJ

When do you anticipate to have this bug fixed and new version released which allows compiling existing projects which worked with 

TAdvMemoUndo/Cut/Copy/Paste and the older release "TMS Component Pack"? When I signed up for TMS VCL UI, I believe one of the promises made was "faster update cycle".

We will schedule an update in the coming week.

4 days into the "coming week". When do you expect to release the bug fix?

As I mentioned: THIS week