TTMSFMXWebBrowserPopup tabs?

From the documentation: "Please note that only
one instance of the TWebBrowser, TTMSFMXWebBrowser, TTMSFMXWebBrowserPopup or
descendants can be used."

One of the characteristics of a web browser like Chrome or IE is that the user can open multiple windows on different tabs of the browser, each having a different location within their respective pages, possibly pointing to different websites and the user can switch between them.  As the user switches back to a previously opened tab, the browser is still at the point where it was at where the user left that tab.  Is there any way to open multiple windows on separate tabs, even if there is only one instance of the component in the application?

Unfortunately no, tabbing is a feature of the application running the webbrowser. The TWebBrowser, TTMSFMXWebBrowser or TTMSFMXWebBrowserPopup is not capable of hosting tabs. It's a single webbrowser view instance.