Kanbanboard Drag Drop Error

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Left' of undefined | TypeError: Cannot read property 'Left' of undefined at Object.$assign (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:24625:21) at Object.t.$clone (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:412:48) at Object.DrawDisplay (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:52268:68) at Object.DrawNodes (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:52224:12) at Object.Draw (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:54228:12) at Object.Draw (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:69208:69) at Object.DrawControl (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:40557:16) at Object.Paint (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:40798:12) at Object.Invalidate (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:15291:12) at Object.UnSelectAllVirtualNodes (http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js:54441:12)
at http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js [24625:21]

New Web App Project
Drop Kanbanboard component on the web form
*don't do anything - Just run it
Move all items to column 0 
or any column
Once the column fills you get the above error.

Same results with the kanbanboard FNCUI Demo



We have fixed this issue, which was related to the underlying tableview component that is used for building the kanbanboard, the next version of the TMS FNC UI Pack will address this..

Verified fixed in 1.2 - Thanks!!