TAdvStringgrid CopyToClipBoardAsHTML formatting

Hello TMS's support team,

I used to load a RTF file into a Word document using AdvStringGrid and OLE. To do this, there are some steps:
1- Load RTF file into AdvStringGrid
2- Copy AdvStringGrid content to clipboard with CopyToClipBoardAsHTML
3- Copy clipboard to TMemo
4- Save TMemo to temp html file
5- Insert temp html file into Word

This worked very well until migration from Berlin To Rio. Some text (apostrophe) are now incorrectly formatted.

I still want to use CopyToClipBoardAsHTML because I want to keep table in my Word document.

Here is the link to an example project.

I checked clipboard option of AdvStringGrid but I didn't find answers. There is maybe a better way to do this.

I am using Delphi Rio 10.3.1 and TMS


We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.

Thank you!!


Did you have resolve this issue ?

I still have the issue with the latest release tmspacksetup_V9220. Some apostrophes are replacing by an empty space or &apos.


I tried to download your test project again to verify but it reports the file is no longer present.

I uninstalled TMS and reinstalled it and now it works

OK for me

Thank you

Thanks for reporting.