TwebcontrolList custom item click event

Hi, first of all , i not too sure how to put my questions across , but my objective is that

i wish to know which list item is making a call/or trigger an onclick event, 

i want the TwebListControl ,where EACH ITEM to have it's own customized onItemClick 
(i know the default TWebListControl , is made for this purpose and i found it has no
issues but somehow , after i added some <div> and it's classes ,the click event in web document
is overwritten & it just won't fire the event . However, i confirmed that the onITemClick event works, when i try to keep my list item (item.text ) simple. It will not work if my item.text has other 'DIV' which
has special class . i.e. special Bootstrap class etc ) 

So i decided to make my own custom call in delphi . i have added some code in 
    onGetItemChildren event for the TwebListControl . so in my procedure , it looks like this ,

procedure Tfmproduct.product_webcontrol_listGetItemChildren(Sender: TObject;
  AItem: TListItem; AElement: TJSHTMLElement);
   AElement.setAttribute('id', IntToStr(AItem.Tag) );
   AElement.addEventListener('click', @show_detail_view );

i have also declared my show_detail_view procedure as follow ,
    procedure show_detail_view( AElementstring );   i have defined the parameter passed is as
    string type and can found that , when the procedure is been triggered, the parameter 
    is MouseEvent object.

As the click event is added using AElement.addEventListener , so at the point of adding the 
delphi procedure as above ,AElement.addEventListener .
i wish to detect which AElement , the <li> that i customize and add items into the 
list control using delphi code is makjing the call ,so after created the list, 
each item , i.e. <li id="1"> has it's own unique id.

(Q) Now how can i detect which item with it's id is trigger and fire the event show_detail_view
which is been declared as procedure show_detail_view( AElement: string );

(Q) is my parameter AElement type correct or what is the correct type ?


Hi , after many many testing , i managed to solve my own , 

(Q) to override the js function in my ASM block. and pass the id from the html element.
(Q) it is js , so there is no type or type in JS is not applicable.

In your event handler, the indicates the HTML element from where the event was triggered. You could in your event handler check for 
If you created a DIV as item in the list, the AElement type TJSHTMLEvent is correct.