
hi i have 2 forms.

First Form; background + panel + TMSFNCCalendar

Second Form open with showmodal

now i close the second form and the TMSFNCCalendar1 is not visible.

if i press F5 in the Browser the TMSFNCCalendar1 appears.

now my question: how can i start the reload in my code ?

We can confirm this was internally already fixed and in v1.1 this will work as expected.

hi i have tested with the new Beta, is is not fixed.

Your Sample -> twebpanel and inset a fnccalender in the webpanel.

Next Problem:



<li>Aufenthalt f?r 45 Min.</li>
<li>Selbst mitgebrachter<br>Geburtstagskuchen</li>
<li>1 Miniscooter-Freifahrt</li>
<li>1 Softdrink (nachf?llbar<br>f?r 0,50 &euro; je Getr?nk)</li>

the click in the ul block don't select the item
The Problem exist allways:

i have installed the news version fnc and tms web:

Use your Demo TMSWEB_MultiForm -> insert on Form1 a WebPanel insert in the WebPanel a TMSFNCCalender -> Run the Demo after Display Form2 the TMSFNCCalender Disappears!

Thanks for reporting. We will investigate.