TAdvStringGrid.OnEditCellDone triggers twice


i have an issue with the advstringgrid. The OnEditCellDone-Event triggers twice.
To exclude a problem within my own source i created an testapp. The bug occurs also in the Testapp.
I'm using Delphi7.

I created a Testapp with one form only with an AdvStringgrid and this two events:

procedure TForm1.grd1CanEditCell(Sender: TObject; ARow, ACol: Integer; var CanEdit: Boolean);
  CanEdit := (ARow > 0) and (ACol = 2);

procedure TForm1.grd1EditCellDone(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer);

I expected the "Showmessage" only one time, but it shows up twice, after edit one cell in Col "2".
What can I do?


I have retested this here with the latest version of TAdvStringGrid and I cannot reproduce this. Can you verify & make sure you use the latest version of the component?


i've tried with the latest version, dec 6th, but the error still occurs. I can provide a testproject, it that helps.


There must be specific settings I suspect that must cause this. A test project would help to investigate. Please contact us via email with such test project so we can investigate.