TMSWorkflow fail to install

I'm trying to install TMS Workflow component and I'm facing difficulties.

I've already installed the latest version of TMS Diagram Studio, but when I try to install the Workflow component the Package Rebuild tool throws the following error: 
[Window Title]
TMS Library Installer

An error occurred during install: 
Exception: TMS Workflow Studio requires TMS Diagram Studio to be properly installed.
File C:\Users\Kamen\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS Diagram Studio\packages\dxe6.\Win32\Release\TMSDiagram.dcp not found.
More detailed info can be found in log file located in 
C:\Users\Kamen\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS Workflow Studio\setup\install_2018_07_18.log


The FILE is there, but in path: C:\Users\Kamen\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS Diagram Studio\packages\dxe6\Win32\Release\TMSDiagram.dcp

without the .\ between dxe6 and Win32!
Any idea how can I fix this?


Help please?