Work Around For 64 bit WebUpdate

I am a registered user of the TMS Component pack. I have just installed the new version I have a Windows 8.1 Computer with one IDE the C++Builder XE4.

There was supposed to be a work around in this version for the 64 bit WebUpdate which had a missing file error in past version.

The new the WebUpdate generates the linker error blow. I have the file TMSDX4.a but I do not have a file named WUpdate.o on my computer. Can you provide some guidance how I can get the 64 bit WebUpdate working.

[ilink64 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'CreateURLMoniker' referenced from C:\USERS\PATRICK\DOCUMENTS\TMSSOFTWARE\TMS COMPONENT PACK\DCU\TMSDXE4.A|WUpdate.o


Patrick Mikula

Can you try to add the line

in TMSDEFS.INC and recompile the TMS Component Pack packages?

I followed the instructions and the 64bit WebUpdate works now.

