FaceBook Page Feed problem.

I'm trying to load more than 100 feeds from a FB Page with no success, no matter the Count and Offset settings I use, I only get the same 100 results. Is there a way to retrieve all feeds from a FB Page?(I'm aware there is a 100 limit per request).

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,

Omar Zelaya


There is a Bug on unit CloudCustomFacebook on method GetFeed on setting the "limit" on the request.

--> url := url + '&limit=' + IntToStr(Count + Offset);
changed to
--> url := url + '&limit=' + IntToStr(Count);



Thank you for notifying.
The change has been applied and the update will be available with the next release of the TMS VCL Cloud Pack.


I have found another issue on created_time conversion to TDateTime(not sure if its a bug).
on TFacebookFeedItem.FromJSON
I had to change the folowing:
CreatedTime := TCloudBase.IsoToDateTime(TCloudBase.GetJSONProp(jo,'created_time'));
CreatedTime := TCloudBase.IsoToDateTime(TCloudBase.GetJSONProp(jo,'created_time'),false);

On original code  I was getting the post time 6 hours ahead from real post time.

Thanks in advance.

Omar Zelaya

Thank you for notifying.

We'll investigate if your suggested change can be implemented in a future version of TMS VCL Cloud Pack.