Compile- and run-information


1) Where I find the Information of CompilerError by using SilentCompile (line, col, error etc.) ?

2) Are there run-informations available for the CurrentScript (line, col)? If yes, is it possible to show the position of this informations in TScrMemo (perhaps by Timer if the Scripter is running in MainThread) ?

3) What means Threadsave? Is it possible to call Scripter Informations from another Thread, or is "threadsave" only the complete handling and running in one Thread?



after debugging source code of TMS I found, that my problem is very simple to remove. But I am dissapointed by support, that I got no Info, where I can find the solution of my problem.


  1. SilentCompilation doesn't generate any error, so there is no such info. That's the purpose of silent compilation, to not generate any exception/error

    2) What kind of runtime information? To get the current line being executed you can use this:


    If you need info about variables declared, methods, global variables, you have the ScriptInfo object available in both TatScript object or TatScripter object (which returns the info related to current script.

    3) You can use execute a script using TatScripter from a thread, as long as you use the TatScripter object only from a single thread. TO use multi-thread, you create one TatScripter component for each thread.

    Why are you disappointed by support, exactly?