Memory leaks in demo - TConvert

There seem to be several memory leaks in the CryptoDemo project if you enable  ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown:=True; in CryptoDemo.dpr:

An unexpected memory leak has occurred. The unexpected small block leaks are:
1 - 12 bytes: TConvert x 1

Steps to reproduce: 
  1. ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown:=True in the CryptoDemo.dpr
  2. Start the demo
  3. Exit the demo
  4. Above error message is displayed. 
The error seems to bei in Edit4Change(), conv.Free and a resource protection/try finally block is missing. This is fixed rather easily.

If you start to use the AES text encryption part of the demo, there seem to be several more memory leaks (of TConvert objects and others). Can you please take a look at these errors? They seem to happen outside of the demo source code. 

Thank you!

Kind regards,


Hello Timo,

Thanks for reporting the bugs. They have been fixed rapidly but we bumped into a regression with the Android part of the lib that took three days to solve (most likely an issue with a change of SDK between Seattle and Berlin U1).

Release 1.4.1 of the TMS Cryptography Pack will be issued shortly with:
- 2 memory leak fixes in TAESEncryption and TConvert classes

- a new Base58 encoder/decoder in TConvert class
(thanks Roland!)


The latest version that we released fixes all the reported issues.