using planner instead of Excel?

we use excel to arrange our events  for each person, that we use first line to display the time as 9:30,9:45,10,....,5:30,5:45,6 and first column to display days and then arrange events according pairs(time, day)
can i use planner to Do this? any help?

e.g. (right to left layout)

    6  pm            5:45 pm       5:30 pm   ......  10 am       9:45 am       9:30 am           
                                                                                                         Event              wednesDay16/06/2015 

                                            Event                                                                           wedensday 17/06/2015

You can achieve this with Planner.
Set the days in Planner.Header.Captions
Set the time interval on the time-axis to 15mins with Planner.Display.DisplayUnit