Multi Touch SDK in Subscription Manager


after installing the MultiTouch SDK from the Subscription Manager (1.006), it seems to work in Delphi xe4, but in the subscription Manager it does not leave the downloaded are and does not join the installed area.

Nothing to really worry about, but if anybody knows help, it just would look nicer :-)

OS ist Windows 7 Professiona, 64 Bit

TMS Subscription from August 8, 2013 - all Downloads and installations performen by the subscription Manager.



We'll investigate this.
Could you check what it did put in the registry under

\HKCU\Software\tmssoftware ?
Does it have an entry for "TMS MultiTouch SDK" ?

Schlüsselname:          HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\tmssoftware\TMS MultiTouch

Klassenname:            <KEINE KLASSE>

Letzter Schreibzugriff: 09.08.2013 - 23:32

Wert 0

Name:            Username

Typ:             REG_SZ


Wert 1

Name:            Code

Typ:             REG_SZ


Wert 2

Name:            InstallDir

Typ:             REG_SZ

Daten:           C:\Users\heinzr\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS MultiTouch

Wert 3

Name:            Version

Typ:             REG_SZ


Wert 4

Name:            Date

Typ:             REG_SZ

Daten:           09/08/2013

Schlüsselname:          HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\tmssoftware\TMS MultiTouch SDK

Klassenname:            <KEINE KLASSE>

Letzter Schreibzugriff: 08.08.2013 - 22:48

Wert 0

Name:            UserName

Typ:             REG_SZ


Wert 1

Name:            Code

Typ:             REG_SZ

Daten:           AC3B295Z

Wert 2

Name:            InstallDir

Typ:             REG_SZ

Daten:           C:\Users\heinzr\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS MultiTouch

Do you Need more Information ?



It's unclear why it would not move to the "Installed" section with the settings as you have.

Did you execute the install from the same Windows user account as the account with which you run the TMS Subscription Manager now?

Yes I did it in the same sequence like the other components (from the same account).

I tried it multiple times - including complete deinstall of all components and complete reinstall.

However - not a big issue ...

I did some more tests - maybe the reason is in the Installation itself.

All the other components suggest XE4 as target for Installation in the upper left area in the Installation Dialog (where it asks on the upper right side, if you wish to install manually).

Here there is nothing in the upper left side - as if the Installation did not found XE4 or was not Aware of it.

As indicated on our website:

MultiTouch SDK is available for Delphi 2010, XE, XE2 and XE3 (Prof/Enterprise/Architect). 
Delphi XE4 support is not included.

OK - thank you.

I got caught by the subscription manager, who had it in the list and I didn't crosscheck with the Webpage, if the Version is XE4 ready.

I deinstalled manually the component.

This has remained an issue in TMS Subscription Manager through to Delphi XE10.1. The issue appears top be that the installer writes different entries to two separate Registry keys: one to HKCU\SOFTWARE\tmssoftware\TMS MultiTouch and one to ...\TMS MultiTouch SDK. The workaround is to copy the Date and Version information from the TMS MultiTouch key to the TMS MultiTouch SDK key. On re-opening Subscription Manager, the TMS MultiTouch SDK entry should be in the right place. The TMS MultiTouch registry key can then be deleted. 

The resolution would be for the Subscription Manager to write the registry entries correctly, all to the TMS MultiTouch SDK key. 

Thanks for reporting. We'll investigate & fix this.